Nonprofit Hospital Community Benefit Spending and Readmission Rates

September 10, 2019
12 Noon PT/1 pm MT/2 pm CT/3 pm ET
One hour in duration
Member Price: Free

Addressing social determinants of health may help hospitals improve population health and impact outcomes tied to financial incentives, such as readmission rates. This first of its kind research offers insights on potential returns on investment and identifies a statistically significant association between community benefit spending on community needs and lower Medicare readmissions rates. Spending on health care subsidies and charity care were not associated with readmission rates. These associations suggest that hospitals that spend more on their community’s needs may result in measurable health care outcomes.


Krisda H. Chaiyachati, MD, MPH, MSHP
Krisda is an Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Senior Fellow at Penn’s Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics, and the Medical Director for Penn Medicine’s On-Demand Virtual Care. He studies and designs innovative strategies for improving health care accessibility for disadvantaged populations by addressing patients’ social needs and developing more patient-centered forms of health care. In addition to his medical degree from the University of Michigan Medical School, Dr. Chaiyachati received his MPH from the Harvard School of Public Health as a Zuckerman Fellow at the Center for Public Leadership and MSc in Health Policy (MSHP) from the University of Pennsylvania. Outside of work, he volunteers as a coach for Primary Care Progress’ Catalyst Project, a national leadership training nonprofit for young health professionals wanting to develop experiences impacting the health of their local communities. Clinically, he is a board certified general internist and primary care provider.


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